Luggage/travel box recommendations

Recommended luggage | The must-have NaSaDen lug...
今天開箱了德國品牌「NaSaDen納莎登行李箱」,最新推出的2020秋-Charlene祕密花園聯名款,每個人看到都說這箱超美!就像行走的藝術品,擁有獨特印花拉鍊的行李箱,目前有22/26吋兩個尺寸, 360度超靜音萬向輪連小孩都可以輕鬆推,絲質雙U型多功能收納內裡、方便的隱藏式防水內袋不怕潮濕、增加強度的質感金屬插扣、輕量22吋空箱只有3.2kg、26吋空箱3.8kg,限量聯名款真的超美CP值超高!
Recommended luggage | The must-have NaSaDen lug...
今天開箱了德國品牌「NaSaDen納莎登行李箱」,最新推出的2020秋-Charlene祕密花園聯名款,每個人看到都說這箱超美!就像行走的藝術品,擁有獨特印花拉鍊的行李箱,目前有22/26吋兩個尺寸, 360度超靜音萬向輪連小孩都可以輕鬆推,絲質雙U型多功能收納內裡、方便的隱藏式防水內袋不怕潮濕、增加強度的質感金屬插扣、輕量22吋空箱只有3.2kg、26吋空箱3.8kg,限量聯名款真的超美CP值超高!

P Wai Daily YOUTUBE unboxes and shows you the s...
It’s totally okay to carry an animal fold-ear bag on your daily life! The Shiba Inu University cabin suitcase is also very suitable for international travel and will give you...
P Wai Daily YOUTUBE unboxes and shows you the s...
It’s totally okay to carry an animal fold-ear bag on your daily life! The Shiba Inu University cabin suitcase is also very suitable for international travel and will give you...

Sponsor street performers’ suitcases, and Caiyu...
The general agent of NaSaDen luggage in Germany, "Caiyu Life Museum", launched the "Dream Chasing Relay" project and invited street artists to apply for luggage sponsorship. Started to cooperate with...
Sponsor street performers’ suitcases, and Caiyu...
The general agent of NaSaDen luggage in Germany, "Caiyu Life Museum", launched the "Dream Chasing Relay" project and invited street artists to apply for luggage sponsorship. Started to cooperate with...

Recommended suitcases that are easy to use | Go...
Recommended suitcases that are easy to use | Go...

[Unboxing of Pickup Box] Chubby Box Recommendat...
#The most suitable fat box #NaSsDenPickup Box #ULTRA LARGE CAPACITY SPORTS BOX
[Unboxing of Pickup Box] Chubby Box Recommendat...
#The most suitable fat box #NaSsDenPickup Box #ULTRA LARGE CAPACITY SPORTS BOX

Recommended luggage│NASADEN, Germany’s new worr...
Germany's NASADEN new worry-free series. 29-inch Lacey White New Color Recommendation
Recommended luggage│NASADEN, Germany’s new worr...
Germany's NASADEN new worry-free series. 29-inch Lacey White New Color Recommendation