Privacy-Caiyu Life Museum

The Company attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy and will collect, process and use your personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law and this Privacy Policy, and provide you with the exercise and protection of your personal data rights. If you do not agree to all or part of this Privacy Policy, please stop using the services of this website.

1. Scope of application of this privacy policy

Please confirm that you have reviewed and agreed to all the terms listed in this Privacy Policy before using the services of this website. If you do not agree with all or part of them, please do not use the services of this website. This privacy policy only applies to the collection, processing and use of your personal information by this website, and does not apply to other companies or individuals that are not owned or controlled by the company. You may be linked to a website operated by a third party through this website. The collection of personal information by each website is handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the website and has no involvement with the Company.

2. Instructions for collection, processing and use of personal information

The Company may use Facebook or similar social service systems to post some of the information on this website on your social activity information page after obtaining your consent. If you do not agree to the posting of such information, please do not click on it. Select the consent button, or later remove the information through the membership mechanism of each social service or refuse this website to continue to publish relevant information. If you have any questions, you can still contact our company, and our company will assist you in confirming and handling related issues. The Company will not arbitrarily provide your personal information to third parties except when it is required by law to be provided to judicial, prosecutorial and investigation agencies, relevant competent authorities, or to the extent necessary for the execution of relevant activities by our partners. When the company or this website is fully or partially split, operated by independent subsidiaries, acquired by other third parties, or acquires assets, resulting in a transfer of management rights, the company will announce the relevant details on this website in advance, and the company or this website will All or part of the user information owned by the website may also be transferred to a third party when the operating rights are transferred. This is limited to personal data related to the franchise conversion service. If part of the operation of our website is transferred to a third party, you will still be a member of our company. If you do not want our company to use your personal information in the future, you can exercise your rights to our company in accordance with this privacy policy.

3. Cookie technology

In order to facilitate future identification, when you use the services of this website, our company may set and access cookies on your computer. You can decide whether to allow the use of Cookie technology by setting your personal computer or Internet device. If you turn off Cookie, it may cause inconvenience or limit some functions when you use the services of this website.

4. Confidentiality and Security

We will limit the employees who have access to your personal information to those who we reasonably believe need to obtain the information in order to provide products or services to you or to perform their jobs. In order to protect the security of your account and personal data, please do not provide your personal account or password to a third party at will or allow a third party to use your personal data to apply for an account or password. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the relevant responsibilities. If your account and password are at risk of being leaked, please change your password immediately or notify the company to suspend the account (the company may require verification of your personal information).
The Internet is not a secure information transmission environment. When using this website, please avoid providing sensitive personal information to others or publicly disclosing it on the website.

5. Protection of minors

This website is not specifically designed for minors/children. When minors use this website, if they agree to the website collecting and using their personal information, they should do so with the consent of their legal agent or guardian. The legal representative or guardian may request the Company to stop the collection, processing and use of specific accounts and related personal information at any time.

6. Modifications to the Privacy Policy

If the Privacy Policy is modified, this website will notify you of the relevant major changes via the email or text message you provided, and will announce it on this website. If you do not agree to such changes or modifications, please stop using the services of this website and notify the Company to stop collecting, processing and using your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.